


Free Tickets   Join the Expo

Benefits Tabel

Standard Exhibitor
Expo Fee
One city either Shanghai , Shenzhen, Beijing or Guangzhou RMB50,000 RMB30,000
Forum speech entitlement
Exclusive entitlement to speaking at two forums in the morning and afternoon, each lasting 45 min /
Size(background board) (W*H) W4*H2m+W4*H1m W2*H2.4m
Booth Area 16㎡ 6㎡
LED screen /
《HRoot China HR Service Providers Guide 2014》
Company profile and introduction to product/service 2 page 1 page
Print and mobile app(ipad)
《HRoot 2014 Coupon》
WeChat Ver. 2P 1P
Distribution of publicity material
In the booth area
In the seminar room /
Logo exposure
Official website of HRoot China HR Services Expo 2014
Passport for HRoot China HR Services Expo 2014
Logo wall on the site
Background board at seminar room
Airing of corporate publicity video
Jumbo LED screen
Entrance tickets
Tailor made tickets with “for xxx company” wording /
Quantity 200 50

Senior Exhibitor Standard Exhibitor
Optional Services
A A. 1 page of Ads and company profile in HRoot 2014 China Human Resources Service Providers Guide (20, 000) 4,000 5,000
1 Year of iPad & WeChat version of China Human Resources Service Providers Guide
(10, 000)
Activities/Brand Promotion
B Product Presentation Area 8,000 10,000

Benefits Details

Senior Exhibitors Benefits
1、Opportunities to meet participants at seminars
Exclusive opportunity to have two 45-minute seminars, one in the morning and one in the afternoon
Right to use separate meeting room that can accommodate 60 participants
Self-designated theme, rendered in various forms, e.g., demonstration of product/service, and discussion about the course

2、Tailor-made booth on the site
Booth size: W4*H2m+W4*H1m
Booth area: 16㎡
With LED screen for exhibitors to play video or a live demonstration of the product / service
Booth to be designed by Platinum Exhibitors and to be produced by HRoot as per its overall arrangement, without additional charges

3、Ad in "HRoot China HR Service Provider’s Directory 2013”
2 page of company info and/or introduction to product/service
Print edition to be distributed for free on the site, and e-version available for download on HRoot website, iPhone, iPod and Android mobile apps and HRoot cloud platform
The China HR Service Providers Directory 2014 will present all the exhibitors information and is expected to have a circulation of more than 30,000

4、HRoot 2014 WeChat Coupon
Discount products can be presented and sold onsite
2 discount position for each senior exhibitor

5、Distribution of promotional materials of the enterprise on the site
Participating companies can distribute promotional materials to visitors of the event

6、Display of logo
The logo of corporate sponsors will appear at the registration table, logo wall, backdrop board, invitations, Expo Directory and in the category of Platinum Exhibitors on the website Logo to appear on the huge banner, Logo glass curtain wall, pennants at the exhibition site
The logos will appear at the large-format banner, logo curtain wall and pennants

7、Presentation of video materials
Present video clippings in the sponsor column on the website of the HRoot HR Services Expo
Video clipping to be played on LED screens on each floor of the site on the day of the Expo

8、Exclusive tailor-made Expo tickets
Exclusively get 200 tailor-made tickets, custom-printed with the wording “reserved for XXX Company”

Standard Exhibitors Benefits
1、Standard Booth
Booth size: W2.4*H2m
Booth Area: 6㎡
Booth to be designed by Standard Exhibitors and to be produced by HRoot as per its overall arrangement, without additional charges

2、Distribution of promotional materials of the enterprise on the site;
Participating companies can distribute promotional materials to visitors of the event

3、Display of logo
The logo of corporate sponsors will appear at the registration table, logo wall, backdrop board, invitations, Expo Directory and in the category of Platinum Exhibitors on the website
The logos will appear at the large-format banner, glass logo wall, logo curtain wall and pennants/td>

4、Ad in "HRoot China HR Service Provider’s Directory 2013”
1 page of company info and/or introduction to product/service
Print edition to be distributed for free on the site, and e-version available for download on HRoot website, iPhone, iPod and Android mobile apps and HRoot cloud platform
The China HR Service Providers Directory 2014 will present all the exhibitors information and is expected to have a circulation of more than 30,000

5、HRoot 2014 WeChat Coupon
Discount products can be presented and sold onsite
1 discount position for each senior exhibitor

6、Presentation of video materials
Present video clippings in the sponsor column on the website of the HRoot HR Services Expo
Video clipping to be played on LED screens on each floor of the site on the day of the Expo

7、Expo tickets
Exhibitors will get 50 standard tickets